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Ideas for Books 📚

Write a book for a group of people

Latest Business Ideas

Business Idea: A book where the book includes drones models, what drones do and how they work
targeting drones niche
~ 200k

Business Idea: A book where the book displays photos of candies from all over the world
targeting candy all over the world niche
~ 265k

Business Idea: A book where readers can learn how to detail their boat
targeting boat detailing niche
~ 830k

Business Idea: A book where the instructions are step-by-step
targeting mechanical engineering niche

Business Idea: A book where they can learn the history of it and how to make it at home
targeting shaved ice niche
~ 113k

Business Idea: A book where it shows how to build wooden utensils
targeting woodworking niche
~ 2m

Business Idea: A book where the book contains tips and guides
targeting wedding planning niche
~ 216k

Business Idea: A book where the author teaches how to prepare grilling meat and fish
targeting people who love bbq niche
~ 19m

Business Idea: A book where you can learn to cook some of the best, tastiest pancakes
~ 22m

Business Idea: A book where the book explains how to wash and detail cars
~ 4m

Monetize Books

... by charging a fixed price per book, or monthly fee for all books


... by catering to a specific group, or solving a very specific problem for this group.

Tools for Creating Books 🛠️

Scrivener Logo

Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more.

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