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Ideas for Gifts 🎁

Gifts for a group of people or things they would like to receive

Latest Business Ideas

Business Idea: A gift like a candy subscription
targeting candy all over the world niche
~ 265k

Business Idea: A gift like a set of 4 fully handmade soaps
targeting people who like soaps niche
~ 32k

Business Idea: A gift like a book or a workbook that gives biblical advice on how to teach your kids about God
~ 379k

Business Idea: A gift like a cap worn by a driver
targeting die-hard NASCAR fans niche
~ 454k

Business Idea: A gift like a bike or a nice trip
targeting people that have IBS niche
~ 62k

Monetize Gifts

... by charging per sale


... by creating gifts specifically for this group

Tools for Creating Gifts 🛠️

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Printful lets you create & sell your own custom design products online with print-on-demand dropshipping.

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