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Create Document Using Template

Creates a document using a template



Generations *

This endpoint consumes at least one, potentially many generations each time it is called, depending on how many tools the template calls.

Call /api/generations or visit the API Dashboard to see how many generation credits you have.

Authorization 🔒

Pass your API Key as a Bearer Token.

Request Query Parameters

This endpoint has no request query parameters.

Request Body Parameters

The request body for this endpoint is a JSON payload with the following keys:

Key Description Type Example
template_idID of Template, see /api/documents/templatesrequiredString"nSw3cz9E3"
...All the required variables of the templaterequiredMixedGet the required fields from /api/documents/templates endpoint
webhook_urlURL of Webhook, POST request is sent after text is generatedString"https://a-cool-webhook.com"
languageObject containing id and formality of language your want your copy to be in.
Defaults to English if left empty.
language.idID of language, see /api/languages
Defaults to English if left empty.
language.formalityFormalness of text, only works with select languages and DeepL.
Acceptable values are "more", "less", or "default".

Here's an example of the body parameters represented as a JSON object.

    "template_id": "nSw3cz9E3",
    "title": "The Beauty of Jamaica",
    "about": "The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.",
    "TOPIC": "Swimming and other activities in Jamaica",
    "OUTLINE_ITEM_1": "Jamaica's beaches",
    "OUTLINE_ITEM_2": "Jamaica's nature trails",
    "OUTLINE_ITEM_3": "Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails",
    "webhook_url": "https://a-cool-webhook.com",
    "language": {
        "id": "deepl_PT-BR",
        "formality": "more"

Example API calls

Command Line (curl)

curl -X POST "https://nichesss.com/api/documents/push-to-queue" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>" -d "{\"template_id\":\"nSw3cz9E3\",\"title\":\"The Beauty of Jamaica\",\"about\":\"The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.\",\"TOPIC\":\"Swimming and other activities in Jamaica\",\"OUTLINE_ITEM_1\":\"Jamaica's beaches\",\"OUTLINE_ITEM_2\":\"Jamaica's nature trails\",\"OUTLINE_ITEM_3\":\"Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails\",\"webhook_url\":\"https://a-cool-webhook.com\",\"language\":{\"id\":\"deepl_PT-BR\",\"formality\":\"more\"}}"


fetch('https://nichesss.com/api/documents/push-to-queue', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>',
    body: JSON.stringify({"template_id":"nSw3cz9E3","title":"The Beauty of Jamaica","about":"The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.","TOPIC":"Swimming and other activities in Jamaica","OUTLINE_ITEM_1":"Jamaica's beaches","OUTLINE_ITEM_2":"Jamaica's nature trails","OUTLINE_ITEM_3":"Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails","webhook_url":"https://a-cool-webhook.com","language":{"id":"deepl_PT-BR","formality":"more"}})
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => console.log(data));


import requests

url = 'https://nichesss.com/api/documents/push-to-queue'
payload = {"template_id":"nSw3cz9E3","title":"The Beauty of Jamaica","about":"The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.","TOPIC":"Swimming and other activities in Jamaica","OUTLINE_ITEM_1":"Jamaica's beaches","OUTLINE_ITEM_2":"Jamaica's nature trails","OUTLINE_ITEM_3":"Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails","webhook_url":"https://a-cool-webhook.com","language":{"id":"deepl_PT-BR","formality":"more"}}
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>'}

response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
data = response.json()



$api_key = '<YOUR_API_KEY>';
$request_url = 'https://nichesss.com/api/documents/push-to-queue';

$request_options = array(
    'http' => array(
        'method' => 'POST',
        'header' => 'Content-type: application/json' . "\r\n" .
                    'Authorization: Bearer ' . $api_key . "\r\n",
        'content' => '{"template_id":"nSw3cz9E3","title":"The Beauty of Jamaica","about":"The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.","TOPIC":"Swimming and other activities in Jamaica","OUTLINE_ITEM_1":"Jamaica's beaches","OUTLINE_ITEM_2":"Jamaica's nature trails","OUTLINE_ITEM_3":"Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails","webhook_url":"https://a-cool-webhook.com","language":{"id":"deepl_PT-BR","formality":"more"}}'

$request_context = stream_context_create($request_options);
$request_result = file_get_contents($request_url, false, $request_context);
$data = json_decode($request_result);

echo $data;


require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('https://nichesss.com/api/documents/push-to-queue')

http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
request['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
request['Authorization'] = 'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>'
request.body = {"template_id":"nSw3cz9E3","title":"The Beauty of Jamaica","about":"The beautiful things Jamaica has to offer for tourists and locals.","TOPIC":"Swimming and other activities in Jamaica","OUTLINE_ITEM_1":"Jamaica's beaches","OUTLINE_ITEM_2":"Jamaica's nature trails","OUTLINE_ITEM_3":"Jamaica's waterfalls and hiking trails","webhook_url":"https://a-cool-webhook.com","language":{"id":"deepl_PT-BR","formality":"more"}}.to_json

response = http.request(request)

puts JSON.parse(response.body)

Sample Response

All responses from the API are JSON

    "success": true,
    "message": "Successfully queued the document. Now just sit back and wait for it to get generated!"
all endpoints (20)